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Pre-Menstrual Syndrome

Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) affects up to thirty percent of women each month and can become dehabilitating during the time that a woman experiences her monthly menstrual cycle. The symptoms may occur before, through and after the onset of the monthly cycle.

What are the causes of PMS?
The women that are most affected by PMS are between the ages of twenty and fifty. PMS is caused by the hormonal fluctuations that occur within the regular menstrual cycle.

There have been multiple theories researched as to just which hormones caused the symptoms associated with PMS. Recent studies have concluded that fluctuations in progesterone are responsible for the rise in symptoms. Progesterone levels decrease through the second half of the menstrual cycle, as the egg is released from the ovaries.

What symptoms are associated with PMS?
There are more than one hundred and fifty symptoms associated with the onset of PMS. Some of the most common symptoms experienced by women suffering from PMS include:

• Irritability around the time of the monthly cycle that can result in angry outbursts
• Food cravings for sugary and salty foods
• Increased fatigue
• An increase in appetite through the monthly cycle
• Cramping and diarrhea
• Bloating and water retention

Some women experience only one symptom but many women experience a combination of multiple symptoms that are associated with PMS. There are a small percentage of women that suffer from such extreme symptoms related to PMS that it can interrupt the daily activities and cause severe discomfort.

What is the treatment of PMS?
There are many treatments for PMS that range from medications which are available from health care professional or even natural treatments which can alleviate the symptoms which are experienced through PMS.

The natural remedies which are associated with the treatment of pre-menstrual disorder include ensuring the body has adequate levels of calcium, B vitamins, magnesium and zinc. Taking supplements to ensure that the body has adequate levels of these vitamins and nutrients.

Multiple patients that suffer from PMS can see positive results from making small changes within the lifestyle to decrease the symptoms. These changes include maintaining a balanced diet that is rich in zinc, calcium as well as vitamin D, fruits and vegetables. Smaller meals during the time that the PMS is experienced can assist in reducing symptoms, as it places less stress on the digestive system. Aside from these changes, reducing the amount of sugar, caffeine and alcohol which is consumed has also been proven effective in reducing PMS symptoms.

Exercise has also been a proven technique that is effective in reducing the amount and severity of symptoms which are associated with PMS. Exercise can increase the blood flow within the body and decrease the pain which is associated with the symptoms of PMS.

The combination of exercise, a healthy diet and receiving adequate amounts of sleep can be an effective way to naturally combat the onset of pre-menstrual syndrome symptoms. Using these methods to avoid the medications which are associated with the disorder can be an effective way to alleviate PMS symptoms.

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